Peachy Blog

4 ways to stay motivated!

by Hope Hale on Feb 02, 2022

4 ways to stay motivated!
Whatever you’re up to, make sure that you’re the best version of you that you can be! 😁

Here are 4 ways to stay motivated at this often “challenging” time of year. The weather can be gloomy, christmas seems a long distance memory, waiting for payday can seem like agony, and the novelty of New Year’s resolution can start to wear thin.

1. Break your goals down into the tiniest steps possible. You’ve probably heard before that having huge ambitions can be counterproductive and that making your goals smaller is the way to go. Well we suggest taking it even further and making the steps even tinier to help them seem less daunting.
If all you can manage is to wash your hair to take you one step closer, then that is an achievement 🧡

2. Utilise any social support you can. If you’re struggling for whatever reason at this time of year, lean on those around you. Reach for help & accept any that is offered to you. If you’re worried about burdening people, remember that you’d most likely help others if they needed you, & the people who care about feel this way about you too! 🧡

3. Practice gratitude. There have been studies which have found that this can be extremely beneficial to your immune system, can increase optimism, and can improve our mental health. There are a few ways you can do this, such as writing in a journal about things you’re grateful for, meditating, and volunteering 🧡
