Why Nourish?
Nutritional Information
Vitamin D can help keep your immune system in tip top shape and who doesn’t want that, it’s also helpful in promoting strong bones and teeth but did you know that it’s actually a hormone rather than a vitamin? Don’t feel bad if you didn’t- we are pretty knowledgeable here at Peachy!
Here’s all you need to know about the wonderful Sunshine vit. (warning we’re about to get a bit sciency)
When your body gets Vitamin D (from sunlight, food, or supplements), it turns the Vitamin D into a hormone. This hormone is called activated Vitamin D, or calcitriol, and it’s immensely important to your overall health and wellbeing. Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and helps your body to build and maintain cells.
Your body makes around 90% of the Vitamin D it needs, but this can only happen when your skin gets enough direct UV light from sunshine. The other 10% of your Vitamin D intake comes from foods rich in the vitamin. If you don’t get a lot of sunlight, or if you usually stay covered up, a quality Vitamin D such as that found in our wonderful multivitamin is exactly what you need. Our vits are especially good for anyone following a vegan diet as it’s that little bit harder to get what you need when eating a plant based diet.
Vitamin E helps to promote and maintain healthy skin and eyes, and strengthen the immune system.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant. An anti what I hear you say! Antioxidants are substances from a man made or natural source that may prevent or delay some types of cell damage. This amazing little nutrient can be found naturally in lots of foods and as a supplement.
Vitamin K2 is the most important vitamin for maintaining a strong heart and bones. It also promotes proper brain function - to ensure you’re always on top of your game. K2 is usually found in animal products such as meat and dairy products, so as a vegan brand, it’s a vital part of our multivitamin.
It’s scientifically proven that having a higher intake of Vitamin K2 can reduce the risk of heart defects by 52%!
Folic Acid helps to create healthy red blood cells, red blood cells carry oxygen to all parts of your body. This is especially important for menstruating women; who may lose red blood cells each month.
The recommended daily dosage of Folate is 400mg, which is exactly the amount that, is in our Nourish Multivitamin.
B12 is most commonly found in animal products such as meat and fish, dairy products and eggs, so extremely important to replace in a vegan diet. It’s main function is to keep the body’s blood and nerve cells healthy, preventing anemia.
Some argue that B12 is the most important vitamin you can take, it helps to fight fatigue and boost energy levels.
Magnesium is required for energy production and maintenance and is vital in supporting muscle and nerve function. It has been known to help relieve anxiety and depression and promote better sleep health.
Most magnesium products on the market contain the less effective oxide form, which is generally priced much higher and comes in plastic-containing packaging. We’re proud to offer this as a part of our multivitamin.
Iron deficiency is the one of the most common nutrient deficiency in the world, making it an important one to be taken in supplements. Women tend to have higher iron requirement levels due to losing blood each month. Women between the ages of 19 and 50 need to get 18 mg of iron each day, while men of the same age can get away with just 8 mg.
The most common sources of iron are meats, poultry and seafood. There are other sources of iron which are more suitable for vegans; such as leafy greens, legumes and fortified grains. However to get the recommended daily amount of iron, you’d need to consume a high quantity of these products.
Selenium is a powerful and essential antioxidant that helps the body to fight against and prevent chronic illnesses. It’s also extremely effective at promoting good thyroid health. Selenium supplementation can decrease anti-thyroid antibody levels and improve the ultrasound structure of the thyroid gland.
As Selenium is found in soil, it’s extremely difficult to track the quantity that you are getting from foods, as it depends on where and how the foods were grown. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re getting the correct amount from supplements.
The body needs Iodine to make thyroid hormones, these are the hormones that control your metabolism and other important functions. Getting the correct amount of Selenium and Iodine have also been known to prevent anxiety and depression.
Boron is used for building strong bones and muscles, it has also been used to treat menstrual cramps. It also have benefits for improving thinking skills and coordination.
Choline is an essential nutrient for all humans as your brain and nervous system need it to regulate mood, memory, muscle control and many other functions. It has been known to help relieve the symptoms of anxiety and improve the overall mood.
Higher Choline intake has been associated with better sleepiness. Studies show that most women in the UK don’t get enough Choline from their diet alone, however the amount that you need varies from person to person. Although Choline deficiency is rare, it’s important to keep up with your Choline supplements.
Flaxseed extract is our secret ingredient (shhh)! It’s also the ingredient that we’re most proud of, as it separates us from other vitamin brands. There are only 2 vegan sources of omega 3 - algae oil, and flaxseed extract. Not only can algae oil can be extremely damaging to the sea beds, it also doesn’t offer the highest quality Omega 3. That’s why we opted to use Flaxseed extract instead. Although it is much harder (and more expensive) to source, it offers a much higher quantity and quality source of Omega 3. Peachy; Always bringing you the best ingredients ;)
Our only non-active ingredient. The Peachy signature ingredient added into all of our products to help them smell and taste like a peach.
Feel a difference in just 90 days!
Day 1
Our clever little bodies start to absorb some of the nutrients straight away. No time is wasted when the b vitamin and folate get to work, you may notice a change in energy levels after a few days.
Day 30
After one month of taking Peachy, you body will have been absorbing all the goodness. Vitamins C and E will be building up those anti-oxidents and Choline will be supporting the production of natural brain chemicals. Your energy levels should be boosted
Day 60
It's time for the brain, joints and bones to get some nutrients. Vitamin D will be taking the stage to work on building up the immune system, as well as brain function. This will really come into its prime in the third month.
Day 90
By day 90 your cells will be rejuvenated, you are reaching peak nutrient status. Your general wellbeing should have increased. Your cells will be thanking you even if you don't feel a dramatic difference.
Feel a difference in just 90 days!
Day 1
Our clever little bodies start to absorb some of the nutrients straight away. No time is wasted when the b vitamin and folate get to work, you may notice a change in energy levels after a few days.
Day 30
After one month of taking Peachy, you body will have been absorbing all the goodness. Vitamins C and E will be building up those anti-oxidents and Choline will be supporting the production of natural brain chemicals. Your energy levels should be boosted
Day 60
It's time for the brain, joints and bones to get some nutrients. Vitamin D will be taking the stage to work on building up the immune system, as well as brain function. This will really come into its prime in the third month.
Day 90
By day 90 your cells will be rejuvenated, you are reaching peak nutrient status. Your general wellbeing should have increased. Your cells will be thanking you even if you don't feel a dramatic difference.
Product Reviews
Customer Reviews
Made by Women, Lead by Science.

100% UK made and family owned.
Tired of lining the pockets of big corporations? We've always supported small business so we decided to become one!
Even though we're family owned we only use the highest quality manufacturers meaning our products are made to pharmaceutical standards.
We've also gone one step further to help the planet by using vegan ingredients and plastic free jars (including the label and tamper seal).
Absolutely! All of our products and ingredients are 100% vegan. This includes our Omega source, ours is the only multivitamin that uses Flaxseed extract as the source of Omega (it’s the highest possible form)
All of our products are totally free from any allergen containing ingredients!
A high quality multivitamin and mineral containing the right ingredients in optimal amounts can keep you functioning at your best.
Millions of adults in the UK don't get optimal levels of vitamins and minerals:
- 15.8 million UK Adults aged 19-65 have insufficient folate.
- 12.6 million UK Adults aged 19-65 have insufficient selenium.
- 6.4 million UK Adults aged 19-65 have insufficient vitamin D.
- 4.9 million UK Adults aged 19-65 have insufficient iron.
This data is extrapolated from the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey. Each individual could have multiple insufficiencies not listed above and a multivitamin can provide a safe way to ensure sufficient micronutrient intakes.
Nourish has been expertly formulated by our nutritionists to ensure that the levels of nutrients included are effective and fully safe.
When you purchase a subscription you'll receive repeat deliveries on the same date each month.
Your payment details will be stored securely and you'll be charged for each of these deliveries. The payment will automatically be taken from your account on the same date that you began your subscription with us.
If you would like to cancel or change the date of your subscription, you can do it at any time by sending us an email to hello@justpeachy.health.